Description: LM7818 L7818CV L7818 7818 18V 1.5A Voltage Regulator IC 3 Pin
A Class LM7818 Voltage Regulator IC L7818CV LM7818 IC 7818 Voltage Regulator IC 18V 1.5A 3 Pin TO-220 Fixed 18V LM7818 Transistor IC
LM7818 is a TO-220 Package positive voltage regulator IC. It is an IC of LM78xx series. This IC is manufactured by many electronic component manufactures therefore it can be easily found. Some manufacturers make it with the output current of 1A and some with 1.5A therefore it should be confirmed before purchase so that you will get it with the required output current.
A heatsink is essential to use with the IC during operation without heatsink the IC will not work properly because the built in overheat shutdown function will continuously make the IC shutdown after few second of connecting the load.
Moreover the built in features like short circuit protection, over heat protection, safe area protection etc. makes it stable and damage proof and also makes it ideal to use in commercial equipment.
LM7818 IC Features / Technical Specifications
- TO-220 Package and other packages
- Output current 1A to 1.5A
- Built in Short circuit shutdown function
- Built in Over heat shutdown function
- Reliable and long life
- Low cost and easily available
- Ideal to use in commercial equipment
- 18V fixed output
- Max input voltage is 35V DC
- Standby current is only 8mA
- Voltage converter applications
- Power supplies
- Battery charger applications
- Battery management systems
- Solar related circuits
- Microcontroller Circuits & Applications
- Computer and telecommunication circuits
Replacement and Equivalent / Other Part Numbers
KA7818, UA7818CKC, LM2940T-10, UA7810CKCS, L78S18CV, BA17818T, TS7818CZ, KA7818ETU. If you cant find the replacement ICs mentioned here then you can also use LM317 and set its output resistors to provide 18V fixed output. Note: Always check pin configuration of the replacement part before placing in the circuit.
LM7818 18V DC Power Supply Circuit
The figure below shows an 18V output regulated power supply using LM7818 IC. The minimum input votlage should be 21V DC with 2A current to get stable 18V 1.5A output.
How to Safely Long Run in a Circuit
For long life performance to not drive load of more than 1.5A, use a suitable heatsink with the IC, do not provide more than 35V at the input of the IC and for more safety the input voltage can be under 25V to 30V. Always operate the IC in temperature below 0 degree centigrade and above +125 degree centigrade. For storage the temperature should be between -65 degree centigrade to +150 centigrade.
Package Include:
- 1 x A Class LM7818 L7818CV L7818 7818 18V 1.5A Voltage Regulator IC 3 Pin TO-220 Package Fixed 18V Positive Voltage Regulator IC Chip
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