TIP3055 is a silicon NPN type power transistor which is designed for general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. This transistor is manufactured with epitaxial-base planar technology and are suitable for audio, power linear and switching applications. TIP3055 features low collector-emitter saturation voltage typically 3V (at Ic = 10A and Ib = 3.3A). It is housed in TO-247 Case and its complementary NPN type transistor is TIP3055
The TIP3055 is a silicon epitaxial-base planar NPN transistor mounted in TO-218 plastic package and intended for power switching circuits, series and shunt regulators, output stages and hi-fi amplifiers
- Type : General Purpose.
- TIP3055 TIP 3055 Transistor NPN 60V 15A.
- RoHS Compliance: Yes.
- Case/Package Type: TO-247,
- Transistor Type: NPN
TIP3055 Key Features
- DC Current Gain −
- hFE = 20−70 @ IC = 4.0 Adc
- Collector−Emitter Saturation Voltage −
- VCE(sat) = 1.1 Vdc (Max) @ IC = 4.0 Adc
- Type Designator: TIP3055
- Material of Transistor: Si
- Polarity: NPN
- Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage |Veb|: 7 V
TIP3055 Equivalent/Alternate:
- TIP100, TIP101, TIP102, TIP105, TIP106, TIP107, TIP110, TIP2955
- General–Purpose Switching
- Audio Amplifier
Package Include:
- 1 x TIP3055 TIP-3055 TIP 3055 NPN Transistor 60V 15A Darlington Power Transistor Silicon High Voltage Amplifier TO-247 High Speed Switching Transistor
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