Description: Transistor BC558B BC558 BC-558 30V 100mA PNP General Purpose Transistors
BC558B BC558 BC-558 BC 558 30V 100mA PNP 3 Pin Leads General Purpose Transistors BC 558 PNP 3 Pin TO-92 Package Bipolar Low Power Transistor
BC558 is a TO-92 packaged BJT transistor that can be used in many types of general purpose applications. It can be used as for any type of general amplification or switching. For using it as a switch to drive load it can handle 100mA of load with 30V. The collector dissipation is 500mW and maximum DC current gain is 800 therefore it can also be used as audio preamplifier purposes and audio amplification purposes. The emitter-base voltage is -5V due to which it can also be used at the output of microcontrollers. The device manufactured in three different part numbers like BC558A, BC558B and BC558C and the only difference between these three part numbers are their HFE values which can be detected by checking the last alphabet after the number, if the last alphabet is “A” then the HFE value will be 110~220, if “B” then 200~450 and if its “C” then it will be 420~800.
- Bi-Polar PNP Amplifier Transistor
- DC Current Gain (hFE) is 800 maximum
- Continuous Collector current (IC) is 100mA
- Peak Collector current (Ic) is 200mA
- Emitter Base Voltage (VBE) is 5V
- Base Current(IB) is 200mA peak
- Available in To-92 Package
Technical Specifications
- Package Type: TO-92
- Transistor Type: PNP
- Max Collector Current(IC): -100mA
- Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): -30V
- Max Collector-Base Voltage (VCB): -30V
- Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VBE): -5V
- Max Collector Dissipation (Pc): 500 Milliwatt
- Max Transition Frequency (fT): 100 MHz
- Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 110 to 800
- Max Storage & Operating temperature Should be: -65 to +150Centigrade
NPN Complementary
NPN Complementary of BC558 is BC548
Replacement and Equivalent
Alternative transistors for BC558 are BC559, 2N3906, BC338, 2N4403, A1015, BC557 (The pin configuration of the alternative transistors shown here may different from BC558, therefore it is recommended to always check the pin configuration before replacing in a circuit.)
Where We Can Use BC558 Transistor & How to Use:
The transistors that are made for general purpose applications can be used in any type of normal requirements in electronic circuits. For example if used as a switch it can handle any load under 100mA like relays, LEDs, other big transistors, integrated circuits etc. On the other hand it can also be used as an audio amplifier or preamplifier and for any type of signal amplification.
- Preamplifier
- Audio amplifier
- Any Signal Amplification
- Darlington pair
- Drive Load under 100mA
- Build simple audio circuits
- General purpose amplifier
- Driver Modules like Relay Driver, LED driver etc..
- Amplifier modules like Audio amplifiers, signal Amplifier etc..
- Darlington pair
Package Include:
- 1 x Transistor BC558B BC558 BC-558 30V 100mA PNP General Purpose Transistors BC 558 PNP 3 Pin TO-92 Package Bipolar Low Power Transistor
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