Description: 2SC2655 BJT TO-92
C2655 Transistor 2SC2655 C2655 NPN 50V 2A Low Power NPN Transistors TO-92L 3Pin Leads Package Bipolar Transistor
2SC2655 is a TO-92L or TO-92MOD package BJT transistor it is having many interesting features in its small size which makes it ideal to use in variety of applications. It is an NPN transistor and having max collector current of 2A that that makes it capable to drive wide variety of electronic components that comes under 2A current.
On the other hand the transistor can also be used as an audio amplifier and capable to provide max audio output of 900mW with maximum DC current gain of 70 to 240. However by some manufacturers these transistors are available in two different gain classifications that can be checked by looking at the alphabet on the transistor below its part number. If the alphabet is “O” then the gain will be 70-120 and if the alphabet is “Y” then the gain will be 120-140.
Moreover the transition frequency of the transistor is 100MHz due to which it can also be used in RF circuits under 100MHz.
Features / Technical Specifications:
- Package Type: TO-92L / TO-92MOD
- Transistor Type: NPN
- Max Collector Current(IC): 2A
- Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): 50V
- Max Collector-Base Voltage (VCB): 50V
- Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): 5V
- Max Collector Dissipation (Pc): 900 MiliWatt
- Max Transition Frequency (fT): 100 MHz
- Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 70– 240
- Max Storage & Operating temperature Should Be: -55 to +150 Centigrade
PNP Complementary:
PNP Complementary of 2SC2655 is 2SA1020.
Replacement and Equivalent:
2SC3328, STX715, KTC3209, MJE182 (TO-126 Package), 2SA1162 (TO-126 Package).
Where We Can Use it & How to Use:
2SC2655 can be used in wide variety of general purpose switching and amplification purposes in your applications. If used as a switch it can drive a variety of loads in circuits that falls under 2A. The loads can be high power LEDs, Relays, ICs and many other electronic components.
When used as an audio amplifier it can provide max audio amplification of 900mW due to which it can be used in audio amplifier stages or it can drive a small 1 watt loud speaker directly from a small audio input. It can be used as an amplifier in many types of bell / chimes, mp3 player audio amplification and many other electronic applications where audio amplification of 900mW is required. It can also be used in AM and FM broadcast and receiving applications.
- Switching loads under 2000mA
- Motor Controllers
- Audio Amplifiers
- Audio Amplifier Stages
- AM & FM Radio & Transmitters
How to Safely Long Run in a Circuit:
For getting long term performance with 2SC2655 transistor always use it atleast 20% below from its maximum ratings. The maximum collector current of the transistor is 2A therefore for safety do not drive load of more than1.6A. The maximum collector-emitter voltage is 50V, for safety do not drive load of more than 40V. The operating and storage of the transistor should not be less than -55 centigrade and more than +150 centigrade.
Package Include:
- 1 x 2SC2655 2SC 2655 C2655 NPN 50V 2A Low Power NPN Transistors TO-92L Package Bipolar Transistor Silicon Epitaxial Type Transistors
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